Create A Fantastic Kids Birthday Cake For A Great Kid.
It’s your child’s birthday, and you want to make it a special day for them. Whether you decide to have a party or not, or whether the party is at your house or at a special place, you still need to have a kids birthday cake. And a specially-made cake is something kids remember for a long time.

There are many books which show you how to make a fun kids birthday cake for every theme. While the finished product looks challenging to construct, it is surprisingly easy to make a decorative cake to fit the theme of your child’s party. Kids have fantastic imaginations, so you can brainstorm with them to find out exactly what they want. One year my son wanted a Batman cake, so I worked with him on a design I could make, and he would like.
Once you have your theme and design, you need to find the pan – or pans – that will help you achieve your goal. I have found that standard round, square and rectangular pans are enough. Most shapes can be arranged from cutting the cakes and piecing them together. Sometimes you have to really think outside the box, though, to figure out the best way to piece together your design.
Many designs can be achieved through the frosting. For instance, if your theme is bowling, bake a cake in the round cake pan, make a coloured frosting for the bowling “ball”, and use chocolate frosting for the finger holes. It’s an effortless design for a kids birthday cake.
The hardest part about piecing together a cake shape is frosting it. When I made my first kids birthday cake, I had no idea what the “crumb layer” was. Simply put, the “crumb layer” is the frosting layer that you first put on after cutting the cake into pieces. This layer is thinner than the final frosting layer, and it will have cake crumbs mixed into it. That’s okay. You have another layer of frosting to put on the cake, which will hide the crumb layer.
Before frosting those designs or cutting that cake, make sure you trace the design or lines first. A toothpick or a dull butter knife works the best for this. Once you think you have the design drawn, step back and look at it, then make any adjustments you need. If I have to make adjustments, I avoid confusion as to which line to cut or decorate along by using a sharper knife to cut through the crust layer of cake and create a more defined line.
When it comes to the final frosting layer, I have found it easier to work from the centre of the cake out. It is also helpful to fill in any small designs first and work frosting around them (remember the holes of the bowling ball?). Keep a clean kitchen towel around so you can wipe off excess glaze that has blended with the other colours. You need to also remember to leave enough time to frost the cake, so you are not rushing. You should enjoy making the kids birthday cake as much as the kid will enjoy seeing it.
Making that special cake for that special kid isn’t as hard as most people think. You just have to remember to keep the design simple, allow yourself enough time for decorating, and be enthusiastic about doing it. If you keep all this in mind, then you, too, can make a kids birthday cake that nobody will soon forget!